Cosmetic Injections

We provide the latest in technology and our team of experts take pride in helping our patients with care.

If you’re searching for treatments that can create a more youthful and well-rested appearance but aren’t ready for plastic surgery or other invasive procedures, cosmetic injections have a lot to offer. Catherine Graham, APRN, offers the latest cosmetic injections through her wellness and aesthetics practice, Vyvo Therapeutics, in Midland, Texas. To book a visit, call today or try the easy online scheduling tool. 

What are cosmetic injections?

“Cosmetic injections” encompasses all injectable treatments designed to deliver aesthetic benefits. The term includes injectables like dermal fillers as well as neurotoxin medications. 

Dermal fillers help smooth and fill out lines and wrinkles and create additional volume in specific areas of your face. Neurotoxin injections relax muscles and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

During your consult, our nurse practitioner will create a treatment plan and recommend how many units to use, we charge per unit. You will be asked to return 2 weeks after your treatment to ensure you have optimal results!

How do cosmetic injections like Botox® and Dysport® work?

BOTOX® and Dysport work by temporarily relaxing facial muscles and easing the muscle tension that causes fine lines and wrinkles. Laugh lines, smile lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet – call them what you will, these fine lines and wrinkles are caused by repetitive facial muscle movements. Smoking, sun damage, and genetics further contribute to these early signs of aging. Over time, these lines become deep creases and wrinkles, prematurely aging your appearance.  If you’re ready to explore your options, scheduling a personalized consultation is the best place to begin. Booking a visit takes just moments, whether you choose to connect with the practice online or over the phone.

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